Browsing through the latest fashions for men in the autumn/winter addition of GQ Style, I came across an interesting trend, fur coats for men.
Fur coats are definitely big this winter for women. They've taken over the high street stores in force, leading to the donning by the average woman as well as the style-conscious indie queens!
But fur coats for men? Hmm...I'm intrigued!
Predominately seen on the catwalks of the big fashion houses such as Gucci, Armani and Dolce and Gabbana; fur coats are definitely making a coming!
To see the fur coat forcast to supposedly gain 'cool' factor for the fashionable men of Britain, I'm thinking this should be interesting.
Just picture this...the dudeish British cool guy (I say British because I don't really have a clue what’s classed as 'cool' in other countries or continents!) wearing his skinny jeans, winkle pickers, checked shirt and perhaps even sporting some Ray Bans-all wrapped up in that oh so chic fur coat. Marvellous.
Although I may sound like I'm mocking this image, I'm actually finding it quite provocative! There's nothing more attractive or exciting than seeing a man who is daring enough than to try out something so new and so, well, fashion taboo in a way I suppose-kind of like 80s Lycra leotards are for women.
As of yet I have yet to see a fur coat to be warn by a man in public, I suppose there is still time though and winter is still approaching!
UPDATE!: This winter I've seen H&M stocking fur coats in the men's department.