MGMT's (the New York band) live set broadcast on BBC2 from the Glastonbury Festival 2008 really captured my visions and imagination. The bright colours, glitter, psychedelia and electronic diversity work together to bring about a sense of celebration, no matter how dark the lyrics may be. Having now listened to the amazing album 'Oracular Spectacular' one track really stood out for me, 'Time to Pretend'. This track takes the topic of my previous post on the views of the Generation 'Y' to its heart, we want to live fast and die young, and we don't want to be stuck working in an office, we want to have fun.
'Time to Pretend'- MGMT video:
The work of Victor and Rolf (the fashion designers) has also come to my attention recently. Displaying influences from Vivienne Westwood as well as their own innovations, Victor and Rolf combine art directly into their display and creation of their collections. The recent 'No' collection for autumn/winter 2008 gives fashion a very humorous edge whilst connoting a message of unavailability and desire through the interplay between the words 'No' and 'Dream On' with the pieces of clothing although it has been said that the collection is rather about speed and time within the fashion industry.
The 3D embossed lettering, in my opinion, captures how these designers like to experiment with the boundaries of fashion, what will be interesting is how such ideas and trends and transferred into the realm of the high street, if it does at all. Reds, blacks and greys definitely dominate this collection, together with shiny, metallic silky materials contrasting with the matted texture of the woollen coats and the extravagant fur coat- which I particularly enjoyed, ironically engraved 'wow'-reflecting the audiences thoughts and reactions to the piece.